Lenders Considering Canada
- Recent consolidation trends in the leasing industry have created an atmosphere where the larger lease companies control much of the leasing market. This has resulted in a shift to a more disciplined approach to leasing.
- Today there are many similarities between leasing and other debt financing that credit policies and procedures closely resemble each other.
- The quality of applicant has improved over the last few years and many good credits prefer to deal with "niche" players that take the time to get to know them.
- There has been no better time than the present to start a lease company in Canada.
- Baylore can assist you by introducing you to the proper resources that will assist you with obtaining regulatory approval, incorporating and commencing a Canadian lease company.
- Baylore can assist you in the early stages of business plan implementation, lease origination, risk management and even lease management.
- Our goal is to help you get going and to work with you in developing a long, mutually rewarding business relationship.
If you are considering an asset-based finance company for the Canadian market, please take the time to see how Baylore can help you make it a reality quickly, efficiently and professionally.