Apply For A Lease With Baylore
We recommend that you read and understand Baylore's Privacy Policy before filling out the application.
Commercial Credit Application - Incorporated Companies can apply using this form
Corporations should also include the following with the completed application form:
- Last 2 year’s financial statements
- Latest available interim financial statements
- Copy of Accounts Receivable listing dated the same day as you last fiscal year end or the interim financial statement date
- Copy of Accounts Payable listing dated the same day as you last fiscal year end or the interim financial statement date
- Copy of related company financial statements if there are inter-company Income Statement or Balance Sheet items
- Completion of the Personal Information Form for each shareholder if it is believed the support of the owner’s will be required
Personal Information Form - Sole Proprietors can apply using this form. Depending on the nature of the application, owners of companies may also be asked to complete this form.
Owner Operator - To be completed by transportation owner operators. (Please also complete the Personal Information Form in conjunction with this form.)
Proprietors, Partnerships and Owner Operators should include copies of the last 3 years of personal income tax returns.
The above documents require the free Adobe Acrobat Reader
If you require any assistance with completing the forms, please feel free to call us at (905) 333-3600 or email us at
Appropriate forms should be completed in as much detail as possible and returned by fax to (905) 333-3601.